Helping Hands for Humans engages and inspires

Coming next month to a screen near you is the inaugural Coffee Women’s Colloquium, a moderated discussion among prominent women in the United States coffee industry.
Taking place Thursday, Nov. 11, the Coffee Women’s Colloquium was created by US Women in Coffee (USWIC), the relatively new U.S. chapter of the nonprofit International Women’s Coffee Alliance.
Connect with Women Coffee Leaders This Thursday

The virtual conference by the U.S. chapter of the International Women’s Coffee Alliance continues this week by gathering female entrepreneurs to talk about sustainability.
As the International Women’s Coffee Alliance continues to grow its presence, it wants to extend the conversation of female leadership even further. That’s why the U.S. chapter is hosting the Coffee Women’s Colloquium, a virtual series of panels that aim to address the topics that women in coffee care most about. Following the colloquium’s first session on green coffee and the supply chain, the second panel takes place this Thursday at noon PST. The session will begin with a panel and conclude with an open-forum Q&A.
Inaugural Coffee Women’s Colloquium to Tackle Green Coffee on Nov. 11
by Amy Brown
A little kindness can go a long way in changing someone’s life, and the holidays are a perfect time for gratitude for what one has, and for giving back to those who aren’t as fortunate. A wonderful example of both was found in the annual Helping Hands for Humans event, an organization that now operates in both Colorado and Ventura, inviting local community members to gather to assemble care packages with hygiene products, snacks, and medical supplies
for the less fortunate. Each person who attended created their own Ziploc bags with items from a long assembly line of donated products to then take with them and give to those in need. According to the event organizers, this is about much more than creating a care package. “We think that a sense of camaraderie, community, and love instilled in your heart will be what you take away from this experience. Everyone who comes is encouraged to bring their smile, and any extra items they may have for care packages.”
Ashley Tindall and her husband Clint McBride saw a need and wanted to make a difference, starting Helping Hands in
Denver, Colorado in 2012 before they moved to Ventura…READ MORE
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