Believe it or not, there are people out there who live most of their life drinking less than exceptional coffee. This brings us much sadness-life is much too short to ignore a higher level of existence in your relationship with coffee. We should burn brightly in the moment and live passionately. To us, living passionately also means drinking exceptional coffee. Fear not, we are here to bring coffee to the people! You do not have to live like this ever again. Here are a few mistakes you may make that are keeping you from burning brightly in the moment and living passionately. OK, OK, maybe just keeping you from enjoying an exceptional cup of coffee (although, technically, we could make the argument that this cup of coffee will help you to burn brightly in the moment and live passionately).

* Your coffee is not fresh– be sure you are buying quality coffee. You truly do get what you pay for. Step away from the Folgers people.

* You are not measuring the proper amount of coffee– If you want a truly spectacular cup of coffee in the morning, take the time to measure out the proper amount of coffee for the amount of water you are using

* YOU ARE NOT BUYING WHOLE BEAN COFFEE– We cannot stress this enough friends, you just can’t get the same quality of taste from pre-ground coffee. This is because when coffee is ground, the gases that give it its flavor begin to be released. Invest in a quality grinder and only purchase whole bean coffee. We promise this will transform your relationship with coffee and take it from boring to spiritual. BUY A COFFEE GRINDER.

* Your water is not the proper temperature- Ideally, you water temperature should be between 195-205 degrees. This allows for the coffee to properly flavor the water so you taste all that coffee goodness in each cup.

* You are using bad water- Tap water is not all you need for your coffee maker. This water contains minerals that can alter the taste of coffee during the brewing process. Instead, use purified or filtered water to make the best tasting coffee. We recommend spring water.

…and if you don’t know, now you know.

Peace, Love & Soul,

Soul Bean Coffee