For Soul Bean, #agility is being able to communicate and connect to coffee bean farms in the global community so that we can directly source beans while simultaneously helping to create sustainable farming and communities. Agility for our business is adapting quickly to changes in our customers needs, market forces, as well as unforeseen events that may arise with our coffee growing partners. This will in turn, enable us to be involved in every step of the supply chain from farm to cup. Additionally, agility for our business means research and development aimed at creating sustainable products and technologies to utilize our industrial waste, namely coffee grounds. Potential innovations include turning grounds into natural fertilizer, incense and bug repellent. 50k would help us to get a larger roaster, which would enable us to transition from a cottage industry to a commercial business, increasing our impact for our community partners by scaling up our business. This would allow us to make more origin trips to identify community partners and utilize participatory community development methodology to ensure our business practices are in line with our goal of fostering sustainable community development.
#agility #agilityIs #contest#smallbusiness #grassroots #growing#coffee#locallove